My Bug Bounty Journey & Ranking 15th in U.S dept of defense(DoD) & Ranked 6th hackers in the world & 1st in Iraq Leader Board all in 2 months
This writeup shall written earlier but i was very busy iam really sorry.
My name is Krekar Aziz Rasul , my new nickname is matrixm0x1 and my old nickname was matrixm also known as the Broken Link MAn :). My English not so pretty sorry if you have a problem with it, im a full time bug bounty hunter and its my first story A lot of people are asking me how I reached top 10 hackers in the world and crossed over 2.5k reputation on hackerone in a very short time only(2 months) and how I reached 15th rank in U.S dept of defense known as (DoD). I am also receiving lots of questions about how to start in bug bounty hunting, what is my methodology that I use, how i did it and so many other related questions. So I decided to write an article talking about my journey in bug bounty, how I reached where I am now in short time, and how you can make great achievements as well.
So let’s start :)
first I joined HackerOne on May 2021 i not started properly and seriously in 2021 just reported some bugs but got informative then i quit, me look like many hackers at the beginner being stuck or getting a lot of duplicates and informative so on twitter i saw alot of hackers succeed in bug bounty then in 2022 i told my self i have to start seriously and do something look like them to get my first valid bug then i read too many writeups, started asking to other bug hunters, researched in youtube and google, bought a course about bug-bounty, got some free cources about bug-bounty, wahtched other bug hunter like nahamsec this guy awesome (recon — methodologies), during this time I would reported some bugs but they were not accepted i was really really upset of it
but i kept going and remember i said “i have to start seriously and do something look like them to get my first valid bug” to be success on bug bounty My goal was to accept only one bug sometime the first bug is the dragon for new bug hunters :) whatever after that i really tired so one night i read a writeup about one of the low impact vulnerability and on the writeup he used a google dork to find a low impact vulnerability for his target for anyone who don’t know whats the dork you can read about it here Click Here then i used the google dork for example site:*.mil intext:”here low bug” finally i found more than 300 bugs and i reported one of the bug to check are they accept or not then for the next day i answered by the triager and they triaged my report and i was like
my first report got triaged in September 13, 2022 then i kept going in the same methodology for 2 months until i ranked best places on Hackerone Click Here to see or you can see in here:
Ranked 6th hackers in the world
Ranking 15th in U.S dept of defense(DoD)
Ranking 1st in Iraq
so finally i wanna say Alhamdulillah for everything and that was my story about bug bounty the best things here you have to do is have your trust in Allah after that set the goal then go keep going keep going keep going when you tired never ever give up remember you have a goal and you need to hit hope you enjoy it and using hacking for good have a nice day :)
Follow me to get new writeup about how to start in bug bounty soon also You can get me via: